Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for defining policy, long term planning and providing vision for the future. Board members must be able to put the best interests of the Club ahead of any personal concerns. Board meetings are typically held once a month virtually or at the facility.
As per Club By-Laws, the Board of Directors consists of seven (7) elected Directors-at-Large. Directors will serve terms of two (2) years and will hold office until their successors have been duly elected in accordance with these By-Laws, unless they resign, are removed from or vacate their office. Board of Director positions are open to all members. Individuals with special skills such as Human Resources, Legal, Health & Safety, Finance, Policy Development and/or previous experience in a not-for-profit organization are encouraged to put their name forward.
Board of Directors Nomination Process and Eligibility
- If there are more members running for office than there are Board seats available, an election will take place at the AGM either by ballot or a show of hands as agreed upon by the general membership. Winners are declared with a 50% + 1
- Each candidate shall have an opportunity to speak to members at the AGM prior to a vote taking place.
- An individual at least 18 years of age;
- Has not been found incapable of managing property under the Substitute Decisions Act. 1992 or the Mental Health Act
- Has not been found incapable by any court in Canada or elsewhere
- Does not have the status of bankrupt
- Has not been convicted of a felony
Note: Please note that each nominee is elected to the Board as a Director and the Executive is designated by the Board at their next scheduled meeting.
To become a voting member, fill out this application and email it to [email protected]
To nominate yourself or someone else, fill out this application and email it to [email protected]
KWGC Board of Directors 2025-2027

Cameron Crassweller [email protected]

Vice President
Elise Sine

Maddi Kolberg

Steven Kamski

Member at Large
Jeff Kartechner

Member at Large
Penny Richard

Member at Large
Tara Butler